Jefferson Matters: Main Street held its annual Volunteer Appreciation Party Thursday, Feb. 21, to thank the 60-plus volunteers who are regularly involved in the program.
The Jefferson Matters: Main Street 2018 Leadership Award was presented to Debra McGinn by president Jamie Daubendiek. McGinn has led the Tower View Team, working tirelessly to promote its mission of bringing public art to the downtown through rooftop art, Ring Out for Art sculptures, painted pianos, and alley projects.
She is also involved in the Promotion committee, video-recording business commercials, supporting “shop local” through social media, keeping the Jefferson, IA app up-to-date, and being involved in the HomeTown Teams project. She continues to share new ideas for Main Street projects.
McGinn serves on the JM:MS board of directors.
The Main Street Iowa Awards will be held March 8 at the Scottish Rite in Des Moines and McGinn will also be recognized at that event.
Each of the five committee chairpersons honored a volunteer who he or she felt had gone “above and beyond” this past year. The following were introduced by chairpersons of each – Design – Sandra Drewry; Promotion – Dianne Piepel; Organization – Michele Hardin; Economic vitality – Bonnie Silbaugh; and Tower View Team – Marc McGinn. “Without the work of these many hands, our downtown would not be what it is today,” said Jefferson Matters: Main Street director Peg Raney.
The theme for this event correlated with the Investment Drive theme – We Aim High. The party was held at Meythaler Photography on the downtown square with refreshments provided by the Organization committee. Following the social time and recognition, those in attendance were invited to view two historic preservation projects with upper story uses nearby – City View on State and the new home for The Forge – Pillar Technology’s location in Jefferson.